The Yin Classes at Harmony Lab Yoga
Postures are held between 2-10 minutes to reduce stress
in the mind and body and to stretch the body's fascia
and deep connective tissues.
This class enhances flexibility, deeply relaxes
the body, stills the mind, improves capacity for
healing and balancing, balances the nervous system,
boosts the immune system, develops qualities of
compassion and understanding toward others and self,
and enhances mood states.
Classes end with a relaxing quartz crystal bowl
sound healing experience during savasana.
The studio is located off of RR620,
in the office suites of Discovery Point II,
behind "The Grove" Restaurant, and
across the highway from Baylor Scott & While Hospital.
The physical address is 2951 Ranch Rd 620
Suite #205 (located on the 2nd floor)